Saturday, June 11, 2011

look at how far you've come.

This moment contains all moments.
C.S. Lewis

Yesterday, we celebrated a milestone with messy tears, laughter, joy and a classroom full of love. Because yesterday my Orange Book students had their last English class at NOE, before they take their final test on Monday.

I don't know if you have ever had moments in life, where it felt as though you were on holy ground, I hope you have. There is truly nothing like them.

Yesterday, was full of those moments for me.

It was as though God was whispering, "I have ordained and orchestrated this moment, for you, for them.
With love."

I didn't really know what to expect out of this day. I had been thinking all along, it needed to be something special, something they could always remember. And so, with the Lord's leading, I had them write letters to themselves-taking time out to be proud of themselves for how far they have come, all they have accomplished.

Upon finishing their letter, I had a letter to give to each of them. And in most of our classes, if the tears hadn't already started, they started at this point, in time. It was the purest and most beautiful setting. I wouldn't have wanted to do anything differently, and with that confidence I know that it was all because of Him.

The love that I feel, for these precious students is inexplicable, truly. The closeness that we have will always live on, within me. They are, and forever will be apart of me.

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