Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let Your Heart Restart

"When we fail to choose to live our lives fully awake, the ashes will extinguish the beauty, 
the mourning will smother the joy, and the despair will end our praise. 
When we sleep to the dreams inside our hearts, 
the message of love will become nothing more than a nice idea. 
Yet when we awaken to the dreams God has placed inside of us, 
our lives become the beauty, magic and wonder that the world needs."
Joel N. Clark

Do you ever have moments when your heart just needs to restart for the day?

Those terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad days. 

Times that just take the very life out of you. 

I think you might. 

If you're like me, you hold the theory of getting back under the covers, with no resolve to finish the day that you started. 

But the truth is: there is grace for even these moments. 

There is grace for us at our weakest.  

We can rise up and be resilient, we can find good in the not-so good. 
And all because, God is gracious, loving, and most importantly God is constant. 

God is our reason. 

He's our reason to keep fighting. 
He's our reason to keep our hearts beating, in dire search of its purpose. 

Yes, He's our reason. 

And sure, on these days, something has got to give. 

But that's not you, dear. It's not time to give up. 

It's time to give in, give it over, and release it all to Him. 

That's right; God will welcome your frustrations. 

He'll take your sadness. 
He'll take your depression. 

He'll hold out his arms, to wrap you in truth. And he. Won’t. Let. Go. 

Sure there are people in your life that walk away on your bad days, leave your heart stranded in the middle of nowhere, but God is constant. He. Waits. For. You. 

Sweet, child, He waits for you. 

To. Come. Home. 

To rise from the covers, open your swollen eyes a little wider, 
just so you can see that's He's never left you. 

You don't have to pretend that all is right with your world, dear. 

You don't have to be someone you're not. 

He takes you as you are. 

He takes all of you. 

Even you, that wants to give up on the terrible, horrible, no-good very bad days. 
Even you, that at times, let's depression back in to shadow the truth. 

He takes all of you. 
He loves all of you. 

I pray that if your heart needs a restart like mine did today, that you'll just take a moment and breathe. 

There's grace for your weakness, dear soul, and nobody is asking you to glaze over your pain, the bad days with fake, meaningless perfection. 

Days aren't perfect and neither are you, but YOU ARE WORTHY. 

You're worthy to rise up from beneath the covers and overcome the little lies that tempt you without warning. 

Oh dear heart, You. Are. So. Worthy. 

so don't hide underneath the covers again, dear,
just give it all over to Him, and He'll enter in, I promise.

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