Tuesday, January 3, 2012

grace for every needy heart

"because He has been in the wilderness with us. 
He has been in the wilderness for us. 
He has been acquainted with our grief. . ."

It's been awhile since you've seen my words here. 

More time has been devoted to being with people, than sitting with my words. More time has been devoted to finding more of Him, to rediscovering the beauty of being fully alive. More time has been spent realizing that fear has no hold on me-that before I tell myself I can't do something, I should let myself first attempt it. 

Just a few months ago, I was in a wilderness. I was lost. I was fighting for hope. I had given up on myself, in so many ways. 

He hadn't. 

I just had to ask for Him. He was there with me all along, but I honestly didn't want to admit that I needed Him to pick me up again. Cause I had fallen so many times. . .

But here lies the beautiful truth. Perfect love casts out all fear. Perfect love keeps no record of wrongs. Perfect love tells the story of a Father that runs out to meet us in the wilderness, taking us up in His arms. Perfect love doesn't leave us where we are, doesn't let us go. 

So all I had to do, was let go, let Him enter into the mess that I had become. 

And He did. I feel His presence with me. I see Him about me. 

He reached out to me, tightened His hold and reminded me gently, that He wasn't leaving me behind. 

Whispering ever so gently in beautiful old friends and strangers alike, that disappointment, fears, hopelessness have no hold on me any longer. That I am loved. 

By His grace, the wilderness isn't home any longer; I know that will not always be the case. He'll bring me back one of these days, when I need a reminder. 

By His grace, I run- I used to think that I could never do anything of the sort. 

By His grace, I know that I am being called to Morelia, for such a time as this. 

By His grace, I can use my voice to speak up, when I used to sit back silently. 

It's all by His grace, sweet friends. I hope that if you are battling the wilderness tonight, that you will keep fighting. it's worth it. You're worth it. All you need to do is just admit where you are, dear heart. Ask Him into what you are facing. Don't let pride have its' way; don't wait for tomorrow. We are more than conquerors, and that goes for TODAY. You don't have to wait until you get things figured out, ask Him. I promise you that He will come. He'll come to your rescue. He'll meet you right where you are. 

Sweet Father, God of the broken, the wounded, the weary. God of the wilderness and God of the mountaintop, thank You for coming to our rescue. Thank You for loving us, even when we are hard to love. Thank You for picking up our pieces, no matter how many times we've fallen. I pray for these precious readers and for whatever they're facing right now-whether it's a sickness of their own or one they love, it's a constant battle to feel You, it's a fight to have hope enough for the day at hand, they are in the wilderness, or the mountaintop- I pray that they would above all know, they are loved. You love us, God. You love us at the parts of our hearts most broken, at the parts of our hearts most wounded. You love all that we are. I pray that tonight Your sweet, beautiful sons and daughters, might be able to finally see the love You have for them. I pray that they would come to know and see You've always been with them, You aren't ever leaving them. Come to their rescue, Father, like only You can. 

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