Do you ever have those moments when you just feel like you need to step backwards, and regroup?
Do you ever have those moments, when you came into something compelled and called, only to get to the desired point and questions can still be seen in your eyes?
Do you ever have those moments, when you wonder what is enough?
Those moments that stretch you to the limits.
Those moments that make you question.
Those moments that don’t meet expectations.
Those moments that you just have to fight for.
Those moments that cause you to reconnect to your purpose.
I’m in this kind of moment. I’m that weary traveler, that vagabond that has been forced to take a rest. Pursuing this dream for miles, years upon end, yes, this is home. Living out of a suitcase, moving to here and there, to make something happen-this is home.
But it’s not about me. . .
I t n e v e r w a s .
This is for the children, those that happily scream my name--in hopes of winning my attention. This is for the mothers, those that spend every ounce of themselves tarrying to their children’s needs, when they themselves, would give anything for a rest. This is for the people, those that ask and those that do not. This is for them.
All of these children, are mine to love.
Each and everyone of them, in reality, brought me here.
Sure, I will tell you, I am looking around and I am overwhelmed. Because I am here, and I know that I cannot meet every need. I cannot fill every hungry child’s stomach, I cannot place money into every pocket that lacks.
Although I do have a God who knows, each of these children by name, He calls each of them His own. I have a God, who knows the bare shelves, the empty hands. I have a God, who brought me to this country, with the twinkling eyes that today, stood by my gate. I have a God, who is certainly in the moments when all is well, and when all I can do is pause, be still, regroup.
Little by little, He’s been placing strangers into our path, who listen to the needs we know of and immediately set out to do, what they can to fulfill it. A bed built to hold two precious girls, shelves being built to house an endless amount of supplies at the church. His sons that take it upon themselves to pray over this ministry still beginning, to tell us, it’s okay to let ourselves be still, for awhile. His daughters being quick to mother us and make sure we have a home cooked meal, or a safe place to call home. It is by these people of His, His sons and His daughters, that these moments seem more bearable, the light seems a little brighter, where the hope still stands.
And so after all is said and done for the day,
I take a moment to myself and remember that:
it’s not about me, it never was.
It’s about these children, that He has given me to love.
I am so proud to be behind you, Kristen. Go for it! You are already a winner