So I held the almost all of the tears in, until I made it home, and here I sit…with music and tears as my company. I’m trying to take it all in, all of the pride and the love that has swelled within this heart of mine. I’m trying to tell myself that there is still time here left with these beautiful people, who I have come to know and love as my family. And yes, in wake of it all there is still time, but it’s painfully short.
Students were told their test results today, and so there were many tear-stained cheeks upon sight of their dream, and those that somehow barely lost out. And I was an onlooker, taking in each and every precious face, memorizing the lines of worry and gleams of joy. I was an onlooker, somehow blessed with the opportunity to know their stories-given the chance to know their wounds, their fears, their very hearts.
I tell you, I never knew a heart could feel this much love, it’s a love that overflows. It’s the purest and most transparent form, it’s the kind of love God created every heart to hold… and there are some who never get the chance to even barely touch it. Yet, my heart has been given the chance to hold it for three months, and I am blessed.
The tears can’t seem to stop and neither can the praise upon my heart cease to beat, because what a beautiful thing it is to know I was made for this, with this place in mind. I was made to come to know and love my students, and to be overcome with utmost pride. I was made for every one of these moments, spent, and yet to be spent. This was always, His intent.
I’m going to miss this place and these people, more than words could ever possibly say. They’re very much a part of me, and always will be.

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