This blog post unfortunately disappeared into the grand abyss of the Internet. Hopefully, I can remember everything and properly recount it for you...So our classes began, only to then, be blessed with more time off for the NOE Staff Retreat on Wednesday. I had classes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Three days of catch up and re-explaining concepts, because after two weeks, all is easily forgotten. Yet, God is indeed blessing me in regards to the teaching aspect and opening my eyes to see it from my dear students' perspectives.
After much review and refreshing laughter, we spent Wednesday preparing our things for our trip. We left at midnight and I was thankfully, able to sleep most of the way. We arrived in Tolantongo around six or seven in the morning, I believe. And that is when our day started! Our days were spent exploring God's beautiful creation in las grutas, waterfalls, Paseo del Gloria and el Rio. Time was spent bent over with laughter, birthday serenades, reveling in the beauty of God's handiwork, trading Spanish for English..time was devoted for rest in every sense of the word, and what a blessing, it was.
Following our trip, it's been crazy to ascertain a semblance of routine, but we are managing! I am pretty sure we have just thirteen more MWF classes, wow! Time has been passing so quickly. It's unbelievable.
I have been able to have mini-outings here and there with different students, and each of them has been such a blessing! Crepes, Starbucks, and today- Tortas de Chiles Rellenos. Today after class, I was able to enjoy the company of some of my students for awhile, as usual, there was much laughter. And afterwards, I was able to go have lunch with Nadia, a fellow teacher at NOE. What an incredible blessing, that was. It was indeed one of those instances when I was speaking Spanish and I was taken aback at how far God has brought me.
Sure, I am definitely not there yet! Paul's words would be appropriate, I am not there yet, and I don't believe that I will ever arrive. But still yet, to be able to sit and speak mostly Spanish without too many problems, leaves me awestruck. Last night one of my students complimented my accent, and I tell you all of these things create within me such a grateful heart. It's all Him, Him in me.
We have exactly one month before the final exam...so with that being said, I ask that you would pray for my dear students. Pray for comfort and peace to be abounding within them. Pray for clarity in the classroom. Pray that God's presence would be made known to each and every one.
There's just forty-five days left to this part of my journey, so please be praying that not a moment would be wasted. Goodbyes are being dreaded, but I am more than certain that this will not be the last I see of Morelia, God has intertwined my heart too much for that to be the case.
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