So in the meantime, my classes have been going exceptionally well! We are having a blast, learning the language. Friday all of my classes played games and the students were so much fun! I was kind of worried that somebody might come in our classroom, because of our crazy, mad laughter.
We're conquering the word lieutenant, and when I went to correct of one my student's spelling mistakes; I ended up spelling it incorrectly and that got a whole lot of laughter...among other things the verb to clog, became known as to clop, and qualified became classified.
And in my adult class, our communication is continuing to improve on both sides. We are all patient with each other, because we are all learning.
Friday, I accompanied some of the boys to Plaza de las Americas, a huge mall, and downtown to some of the museums. They have already pegged my style, by placing a fedora and a sun hat on me. I guess I am too predictable. We practiced a lot of Spanish and laughed at the times when some of them were talking way too fast for me to be able to comprehend!
Friday night, Un Espacio, we played water games and I managed to get soaked all thanks to one of my students, within the first couple minutes of the first game. It was so much fun :).
Then yesterday, I went to the mercado to get food for the week, watched Gol with Fer, and was picked up for church. Following that a large group of us went out for coffee and crepes...we took a lot of pictures, laughed a lot, and danced on the way home. Yes, they all now know my signature dance move of "clawing the rooftop."
And today, oh today! The Lord moved in worship this morning, a sweet daughter has come to know the love of her Maker. I am absolutely awestruck and overwhelmed with all-consuming joy; the difference can be seen in her eyes-and I am blessed beyond words.
Afterwards, we went over to Erick's house and were graced with lovely fellowship and a meal...and then my sister and I ventured home quickly to change for her game. And stopped for coffee on the way back :)
I am smiling as I type all of these rambling strings of thoughts to you, because I am just in awe of all that He has already done, here. God is moving here, and I am being blessed to just sit here and be able to see it all happen. He is strengthening my relationships with the students, as I write, and last night I couldn't sleep- I was bombarded with ideas as to how I can further be spent for these dear students...and I am hopeful and joyful at what has yet to come, because I know that beautiful things are to come to pass.
He is more, more than my words could ever say, and to think that He brought me here from the pages of a absolutely and perfectly, the very works of His hands.

I can feel your joy flowing through your words. Beautiful....