"Surely this is our God; we trusted in Him, and He saved us.
This is the Lord, we trusted in Him, let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation."
Isaiah 25:9
"Sometimes what we want is just to be heard.
We want to know that they've actually listened to us." -Bell
I may be the only one that these words were written for, today, but I'm just not that sure. So if you are feeling like you are sitting in His silence, I pray that these words would find you and tell you that you are not alone. The beautiful thing about our Savior is that….He always meets us right where we are.
Oh child, don't dig your own cistern. What you have planned down to perfection doesn't even begin to match what I have for you. My best is better that you can even imagine and while you fear what you cannot see and what you cannot hold-
I a m f o r y o u.
I have redeemed your rejection.
I have healed your heartache and I am mending your mess.
Stop fearing and stop fleeing, child, you are meant to be here in this very place and well, what you are feeling is okay. Don't you be ashamed of this, i t ' s o k a y.
What is not okay is hushing your heart, forbidding your voice to speak up. You were not made to be silent, child of mine. I have words set apart for you, alone. Your story cannot be replaced by anyone else's. S T O P. just breathe.
Just be and rest in my many promises, they are for your taking.

Yes, know that you can't even imagine the beautiful future that awaits you. You just can't, love. Be still. Stop defining your present with your past and just trust, trust that you cannot limit me and that I refuse to be sealed in a box of your messy idea of perfection. Instead I will redeem your ruins and I will make something beautiful out of this and I will make something beautiful out of you.
Unclench your trembling fists and take my hand, dear child.
I a m r i g h t h e r e.
My purpose for you and that precious, fearful heart of yours will and is being accomplished for you. I will have my way in you, just trust me.
I see you, love.
I know you have hidden your desires from most and I know even more so, that you have spent years hiding from them, yourself. But dear child, it is okay to recognize your desires. It's okay to long for something, just let me be your first love. When you do this, you will begin to realize that your desires were always a part of who I made you to be. However, the best thing you can do is give them back to me.
My timing is perfect.
Stop living out of expectations and step into faith, dear one.
I am taking you to the other side and you will not be left, do you hear me?
You will not be left.
Your past does not define your present, nor does it define your future.
I know you, love. I know that confusion is trying to take your eyes off of me, but don't love, look to me, trust me.
I h a v e y o u r h e a r t
I a l w a y s w i l l