Much time has passed since my words last greeted your kind, thoughtful eyes. . . and here in the wake of such an altogether beautiful day- rather than grace my tired eyes with sleep, my heart thought it would be better to appreciate the blessed silence and reveal everything as it has taken place.
In the weeks since I have last written, forty children have graced our program-filling up the once long ago abandoned building with their shouts of glee and overwhelming laughter. Filling our wearied hearts with a joy in knowing that everything else might have gone wrong, but this is playing out to be something beautiful.
Spontaneously, we decided to throw a huge party for them celebrating Independence Day. We went in search for cakes, pounds of candy and a piƱata. Even though the craziness meant locking up the building exhausted with twinges of headaches, the pure joy was more than enough to make it all worth it. The hilarity of it all was so beautiful, so refreshing. Seeing the women bent over in laughter, the children scrambling for every piece of candy that hit the ground, did wonders to my heart.
Combine that with today, the confraternidad [an event held for all of the Churches of Christ in the Baja at one church], which took place at our very own church. There's just something about seeing standing room only, hearts from all over, singing with one voice. There's just something about seeing a church that struggles to feed every hungry child, find a home for every single mother, bring hope to every hopeless family- open their doors without second thought. Feeding hundreds physically and spiritually, even if it means that they might do without.
Unity. Precious unity. That's what we were created for, and here my heart still sits astonished at what it truly means to see it before my very own eyes.
I was able to be with a lot of my children today. I know that sounds surprising for me to even make note of, but they are rarely all in one place-making it difficult for me being able to hold them all and laugh with every one of them.
The group comes and they have a picture of what life looks like, but life goes on here. The children don't venture to the church building every waking moment. Hope dims. Hearts ache. Needs rise.
But today, bless today, when everyone can be reminded that in the shelter of each other we will live, we do live. Bless today, for being a day with work and welcome laughter for His one church, His one body of believers. A day were hope was and remains to be fully alive.